Gene W. Tyson
Gene W. Tyson
Professor, Centre for Microbiome Research, Queensland University of Technology
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Cited by
CheckM: assessing the quality of microbial genomes recovered from isolates, single cells, and metagenomes
DH Parks, M Imelfort, CT Skennerton, P Hugenholtz, GW Tyson
Genome research 25 (7), 1043-1055, 2015
STAMP: statistical analysis of taxonomic and functional profiles
DH Parks, GW Tyson, P Hugenholtz, RG Beiko
Bioinformatics 30 (21), 3123-3124, 2014
Community structure and metabolism through reconstruction of microbial genomes from the environment
GW Tyson, J Chapman, P Hugenholtz, EE Allen, RJ Ram, PM Richardson, ...
Nature 428 (6978), 37-43, 2004
Minimum information about a single amplified genome (MISAG) and a metagenome-assembled genome (MIMAG) of bacteria and archaea
RM Bowers, NC Kyrpides, R Stepanauskas, M Harmon-Smith, D Doud, ...
Nature biotechnology 35 (8), 725-731, 2017
Recovery of nearly 8,000 metagenome-assembled genomes substantially expands the tree of life
DH Parks, C Rinke, M Chuvochina, PA Chaumeil, BJ Woodcroft, ...
Nature microbiology 2 (11), 1533-1542, 2017
Genome sequences of rare, uncultured bacteria obtained by differential coverage binning of multiple metagenomes
M Albertsen, P Hugenholtz, A Skarshewski, KL Nielsen, GW Tyson, ...
Nature biotechnology 31 (6), 533-538, 2013
Anaerobic oxidation of methane coupled to nitrate reduction in a novel archaeal lineage
MF Haroon, S Hu, Y Shi, M Imelfort, J Keller, P Hugenholtz, Z Yuan, ...
Nature 500 (7464), 567-570, 2013
Microbial community gene expression in ocean surface waters
J Frias-Lopez, Y Shi, GW Tyson, ML Coleman, SC Schuster, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105 (10), 3805-3810, 2008
Community proteomics of a natural microbial biofilm
RJ Ram, NC VerBerkmoes, MP Thelen, GW Tyson, BJ Baker, RC Blake, ...
Science 308 (5730), 1915-1920, 2005
Methane metabolism in the archaeal phylum Bathyarchaeota revealed by genome-centric metagenomics
PN Evans, DH Parks, GL Chadwick, SJ Robbins, VJ Orphan, SD Golding, ...
Science 350 (6259), 434-438, 2015
P Hugenholtz, GW Tyson
Nature 455 (7212), 481-483, 2008
Methylotrophic methanogenesis discovered in the archaeal phylum Verstraetearchaeota
I Vanwonterghem, PN Evans, DH Parks, PD Jensen, BJ Woodcroft, ...
Nature microbiology 1 (12), 1-9, 2016
An evolving view of methane metabolism in the Archaea
PN Evans, JA Boyd, AO Leu, BJ Woodcroft, DH Parks, P Hugenholtz, ...
Nature Reviews Microbiology 17 (4), 219-232, 2019
Host-linked soil viral ecology along a permafrost thaw gradient
JB Emerson, S Roux, JR Brum, B Bolduc, BJ Woodcroft, HB Jang, ...
Nature microbiology 3 (8), 870-880, 2018
Methane dynamics regulated by microbial community response to permafrost thaw
CK McCalley, BJ Woodcroft, SB Hodgkins, RA Wehr, EH Kim, R Mondav, ...
Nature 514 (7523), 478-481, 2014
Investigation of Candidate Division TM7, a Recently Recognized Major Lineage of the Domain Bacteria with No Known Pure-Culture Representatives
P Hugenholtz, GW Tyson, RI Webb, AM Wagner, LL Blackall
Applied and environmental microbiology 67 (1), 411-419, 2001
Linking microbial community structure, interactions and function in anaerobic digesters using new molecular techniques
I Vanwonterghem, PD Jensen, DP Ho, DJ Batstone, GW Tyson
Current opinion in biotechnology 27, 55-64, 2014
Shining a light on dark sequencing: characterising errors in Ion Torrent PGM data
LM Bragg, G Stone, MK Butler, P Hugenholtz, GW Tyson
PLoS computational biology 9 (4), e1003031, 2013
CheckM2: a rapid, scalable and accurate tool for assessing microbial genome quality using machine learning
A Chklovski, DH Parks, BJ Woodcroft, GW Tyson
Nature Methods 20 (8), 1203-1212, 2023
Rapidly evolving CRISPRs implicated in acquired resistance of microorganisms to viruses
GW Tyson, JF Banfield
Environmental microbiology 10 (1), 200-207, 2008
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Articles 1–20