Mary M Peacock
Mary M Peacock
Professor Emerita, University of Nevada,Reno
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Conspecific attraction and the determination of metapopulation colonization rates
AT Smith, MM Peacock
Conservation Biology 4 (3), 320-323, 1990
Landscape attributes and life history variability shape genetic structure of trout populations in a stream network
HM Neville, JB Dunham, MM Peacock
Landscape Ecology 21, 901-916, 2006
The effect of habitat fragmentation on dispersal patterns, mating behavior, and genetic variation in a pika (Ochotona princeps) metapopulation
MM Peacock, AT Smith
Oecologia 112, 524-533, 1997
Local and geographic variability in the distribution of stream-living Lahontan cutthroat trout
JB Dunham, MM Peacock, BE Rieman, RE Schroeter, GL Vinyard
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 128 (5), 875-889, 1999
Determining natal dispersal patterns in a population of North American pikas (Ochotona princeps) using direct mark-resight and indirect genetic methods
MM Peacock
Behavioral ecology 8 (3), 340-350, 1997
Assessing extinction risk: integrating genetic information
J Dunham, M Peacock, CR Tracy, J Nielsen, G Vinyard
Conservation Ecology 3 (1), 1999
Fulton's body condition factor K correlates with survival time in a thermal challenge experiment in juvenile Lahontan cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarki henshawi)
ML Robinson, L Gomez-Raya, WM Rauw, MM Peacock
Journal of Thermal Biology 33 (6), 363-368, 2008
Variability in size-weight relationships of Bison bison
J Berger, M Peacock
Journal of Mammalogy 69 (3), 618-624, 1988
Identification and characterization of nine polymorphic microsatellite loci in the North American pika, Ochotona princeps
MM Peacock, VS Kirchoff, SJ Merideth
Molecular Ecology Notes 2 (3), 360-362, 2002
Strong founder effects and low genetic diversity in introduced populations of Coqui frogs
MM Peacock, KH Beard, EM O’NEILL, VS Kirchoff, MB Peters
Molecular Ecology 18 (17), 3603-3615, 2009
Assessing the conservation value of hybridized cutthroat trout populations in the Quinn River drainage, Nevada
MM Peacock, V Kirchoff
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 133 (2), 309-325, 2004
Dispersal in pikas (Ochotona princeps): combining genetic and demographic approaches to reveal spatial and temporal patterns
Dispersal, 2001
Nonrandom mating in pikas Ochotona princeps: evidence for inbreeding between individuals of intermediate relatedness
MM Peacock, AT Smith
Molecular Ecology 6 (9), 801-811, 1997
Assessing connectivity in salmonid fishes with DNA microsatellite markers
H Neville, J Dunham, M Peacock
In: Crooks, Kevin R.; Sanjayan, M., eds. Connectivity conservation. New York …, 2006
Giant senecios and alpine vegetation of Mount Kenya
TP Young, MM Peacock
Journal of Ecology, 141-148, 1992
Evaluating the reintroduction potential of Lahontan cutthroat trout in Fallen Leaf Lake, California
R Al-Chokhachy, M Peacock, LG Heki, G Thiede
North American Journal of Fisheries Management 29 (5), 1296-1313, 2009
Development of food preferences: social learning by Belding's ground squirrels Spermophilus beldingi
MM Peacock, SH Jenkins
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 22, 393-399, 1988
Anthropogenic impacts on mercury concentrations and nitrogen and carbon isotope ratios in fish muscle tissue of the Truckee River watershed, Nevada, USA
MS Gustin, L Saito, M Peacock
Science of the Total Environment 347 (1-3), 282-294, 2005
Great Basin-Mojave Desert region
PF Brussard, DA Charlet, DS Dobkin, LC Ball, KA Bishop, HB Britten, ...
Status and trends of the nation’s biological resources. US Geological Survey 2, 1998
Black bears in Southeast Alaska: the fate of two ancient lineages in the face of contemporary movement
E Peacock, MM Peacock, K Titus
Journal of Zoology 271 (4), 445-454, 2007
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