Stephanie J. Law
Stephanie J. Law
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Team decision making in virtual and face-to-face environments
TA O’Neill, SE Hancock, K Zivkov, NL Larson, SJ Law
Group Decision and Negotiation 25 (5), 995-1020, 2016
To fake or not to fake: Antecedents to interview faking, warning instructions, and its impact on applicant reactions
SJ Law, J Bourdage, TA O’Neill
Frontiers in psychology 7, 1771, 2016
Core self‐evaluations, perceptions of group potency, and job performance: The moderating role of individualism and collectivism cultural profiles
TA O'Neill, MJW McLarnon, L Xiu, SJ Law
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology 89 (3), 447-473, 2016
The impact of “non-targeted traits” on personality test faking, hiring, and workplace deviance
TA O’Neill, NM Lee, J Radan, SJ Law, RJ Lewis, JJ Carswell
Personality and Individual Differences 55 (2), 162-168, 2013
Forced-choice pre-employment personality assessment: Construct validity and resistance to faking
TA O'Neill, RJ Lewis, SJ Law, N Larson, S Hancock, J Radan, N Lee, ...
Personality and Individual Differences 115, 120-127, 2017
Personality and Leadership
SJ Law, JS Bourdage
Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences, 1-5, 2017
Predicting Leadership Emergence: A Comparison of Trait and Behavior-Based Approaches
J Bourdage, S Law, B Ogunfowora
International Journal of Psychology 51, 2016
Test-taking motivation in promotional employment re-examinations.
TA O'Neill, SJ Law, JM McCarthy, RB Jelley
Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science/Revue canadienne des sciences du …, 2018
Calamaro: perceiving robotic motion in the wild
J Harris, S Law, K Takashima, E Sharlin, Y Kitamura
Proceedings of the second international conference on Human-agent …, 2014
Target practice: Who is subjected to more impression management behaviors?
S Law, J Bourdage, T Ogunfowora
International Journal of Psychology 51, 2016
Examining the Effect of Warning Instructions in the Interview
S Law
University of Calgary, 2014
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Articles 1–11