Daniel Fernández Galeote
Daniel Fernández Galeote
Gamification Group, Tampere University
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Cited by
Game-based Climate Change Engagement: Analyzing the Potential of Entertainment and Serious Games
D Fernández Galeote, J Hamari
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 5 (CHI PLAY), 1-21, 2021
Gamification for climate change engagement: review of corpus and future agenda
D Fernández Galeote, M Rajanen, D Rajanen, NZ Legaki, DJ Langley, ...
Environmental Research Letters 16 (6), 2021
Virtual and Augmented Reality for Environmental Sustainability: A Systematic Review
LD Cosio, OO Buruk, D Fernández Galeote, IDV Bosman, J Hamari
Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2023
Avatar identities and climate change action in video games: analysis of mitigation and adaptation practices
D Fernández Galeote, NZ Legaki, J Hamari
Proceedings of the 2022 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2022
The Environmental Game Design Playbook (Presented by the IGDA Climate Special Interest Group)
C Whittle, T York, PA Escuadra, G Shonkwiler, H Bille, A Fayolle, ... …, 2022
The Good, the Bad, and the Divergent in Game-based Learning: Player Experiences of a Serious Game for Climate Change Engagement
D Fernández Galeote, C Zeko, K Volkovs, M Diamant, M Thibault, ...
Proceedings of the 25th International Academic Mindtrek Conference, 256-267, 2022
How Location-Based Games Incentivize Moving About: A Study in the Context of Nature-Going
S Laato, D Fernández Galeote, F Altarriba Bertran, K Papangelis, ...
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 7 (CHI PLAY), 642-664, 2023
Gamified apps for sustainable consumption: A systematic review
G Guillén, DF Galeote, N Sicevic, J Hamari, J Quist
6th International GamiFIN Conference, GamiFIN 2022, 135-145, 2022
Dealing With Transformation in a VUCA World: A Competence-Based Development Project Applying Transmedia Storytelling and Gamification for an International Corporation
O García, H Navarro, A Rodríguez, D Fernández, D Freixes
European Conference on Games Based Learning, 919-925, 2017
Climate Connected: An Immersive VR and PC Game for Climate Change Engagement
D Fernández Galeote, NZ Legaki, J Hamari
Companion Proceedings of the Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction …, 2023
Balancing the Augmented Experience: Design Tensions in the Location-based Game Pikmin Bloom
S Laato, D Fernández Galeote, F Altarriba Bertran, J Hamari
CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Extended Abstracts, 1-7, 2022
Text- and game-based communication for climate change attitude, self-efficacy, and behavior: A controlled experiment
D Fernández Galeote, NZ Legaki, J Hamari
Computers in Human Behavior, 107930, 2023
Understanding the Game-based Learning Experience: A Framework of Frictions Between Design and Play
D Fernández Galeote, M Diamant, K Volkovs, C Zeko, M Thibault, ...
Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on the Foundations of …, 2022
From Traditional to Game-Based Learning of Climate Change: A Media Comparison Experiment
D Fernández Galeote, NZ Legaki, J Hamari
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 7 (CHI PLAY), 503-525, 2023
The impact of different gamification types in the context of data literacy: An online experiment
NZ Legaki, D Fernández Galeote, J Hamari
GamiFIN Conference 2022, 2022
Feeling Small or Standing Tall? Height Manipulation Affects Speech Anxiety and Arousal in Virtual Reality
AL Macey, S Järvelä, D Fernández Galeote, J Hamari
Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking 26 (4), 246-254, 2023
Welcome Aboard: Applying Motivational Design to a Corporate Onboarding Project
O García, D Fernández, J Membrives, A Ris
European Conference on Games Based Learning, 126-135, 2018
Gamification and Climate Change Engagement: Building knowledge, developing practice, and studying experiences and effects
D Fernández Galeote
Tampere University, 2024
Gamification for Climate Change Engagement: A User-Centered Design Agenda
D Fernández Galeote, M Rajanen, D Rajanen, NZ Legaki, DJ Langley, ...
Proceedings of the 26th International Academic Mindtrek Conference, 45-56, 2023
Gamified metacognitive prompts in a higher education flipped classroom
A Smith, D Fernández Galeote, NZ Legaki, J Hamari
Proceedings of the 26th International Academic Mindtrek Conference, 95-107, 2023
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Articles 1–20