Oscar Alves
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Cited by
Advance and prospectus of seasonal prediction: assessment of the APCC/CliPAS 14-model ensemble retrospective seasonal prediction (1980–2004)
B Wang, JY Lee, IS Kang, J Shukla, CK Park, A Kumar, J Schemm, ...
Climate Dynamics 33, 93-117, 2009
Global seasonal rainfall forecasts using a coupled ocean–atmosphere model
TN Stockdale, DLT Anderson, JOS Alves, MA Balmaseda
Nature 392 (6674), 370-373, 1998
The ocean reanalyses intercomparison project (ORA-IP)
MA Balmaseda, F Hernandez, A Storto, MD Palmer, O Alves, L Shi, ...
Journal of Operational Oceanography 8 (sup1), s80-s97, 2015
Prediction of the Madden–Julian oscillation with the POAMA dynamical prediction system
HA Rashid, HH Hendon, MC Wheeler, O Alves
Climate Dynamics 36, 649-661, 2011
Seasonal forecasting of tuna habitat for dynamic spatial management
AJ Hobday, JR Hartog, CM Spillman, O Alves
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 68 (5), 898-911, 2011
Prospects for predicting two flavors of El Niņo
HH Hendon, E Lim, G Wang, O Alves, D Hudson
Geophysical research letters 36 (19), 2009
An ensemble ocean data assimilation system for seasonal prediction
Y Yin, O Alves, PR Oke
Monthly Weather Review 139 (3), 786-808, 2011
How are seasonal prediction skills related to models’ performance on mean state and annual cycle?
JY Lee, B Wang, IS Kang, J Shukla, A Kumar, JS Kug, JKE Schemm, ...
Climate dynamics 35, 267-283, 2010
ACCESS-S1 The new Bureau of Meteorology multi-week to seasonal prediction system
D Hudson, O Alves, HH Hendon, EP Lim, G Liu, JJ Luo, C MacLachlan, ...
Journal of Southern Hemisphere Earth Systems Science 67 (3), 132-159, 2017
Improving intraseasonal prediction with a new ensemble generation strategy
D Hudson, AG Marshall, Y Yin, O Alves, HH Hendon
Monthly Weather Review 141 (12), 4429-4449, 2013
Intra-seasonal drivers of extreme heat over Australia in observations and POAMA-2
AG Marshall, D Hudson, MC Wheeler, O Alves, HH Hendon, MJ Pook, ...
Climate dynamics 43, 1915-1937, 2014
The impact of atmospheric initialisation on seasonal prediction of tropical Pacific SST
D Hudson, O Alves, HH Hendon, G Wang
Climate Dynamics 36, 1155-1171, 2011
How predictable is the Indian Ocean dipole?
L Shi, HH Hendon, O Alves, JJ Luo, M Balmaseda, D Anderson
Monthly Weather Review 140 (12), 3867-3884, 2012
Sensitivity of dynamical seasonal forecasts to ocean initial conditions
O Alves, MA Balmaseda, D Anderson, T Stockdale
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society: A journal of the …, 2004
How predictable is the northern hemisphere summer upper-tropospheric circulation?
JY Lee, B Wang, Q Ding, KJ Ha, JB Ahn, A Kumar, B Stern, O Alves
Climate dynamics 37, 1189-1203, 2011
Bridging the gap between weather and seasonal forecasting: intraseasonal forecasting for Australia
D Hudson, O Alves, HH Hendon, AG Marshall
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 137 (656), 673-689, 2011
POAMA: Bureau of Meteorology operational coupled model seasonal forecast system
O Alves, G Wang, A Zhong, N Smith, F Tseitkin, G Warren, A Schiller, ...
Proceedings of national drought forum, Brisbane, 49-56, 2003
Inter-basin sources for two-year predictability of the multi-year La Niņa event in 2010–2012
JJ Luo, G Liu, H Hendon, O Alves, T Yamagata
Scientific reports 7 (1), 2276, 2017
The experimental MJO prediction project
D Waliser, K Weickmann, R Dole, S Schubert, O Alves, C Jones, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 87 (4), 425-431, 2006
Indian Ocean variability and its association with ENSO in a global coupled model
A Zhong, HH Hendon, O Alves
Journal of Climate 18 (17), 3634-3649, 2005
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Articles 1–20