Weon Shik Han
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Cited by
Evaluation of trapping mechanisms in geologic CO2 sequestration: Case study of SACROC northern platform, a 35-year CO2 injection site
WS Han, BJ McPherson, PC Lichtner, FP Wang
American Journal of Science 310 (4), 282-324, 2010
Characteristics of Salt-Precipitation and the Associated Pressure Build-Up during CO2 Storage in Saline Aquifers
KY Kim, WS Han, J Oh, T Kim, JC Kim
Transport in porous media 92, 397-418, 2012
Effects of permeability on CO2 trapping mechanisms and buoyancy‐driven CO2 migration in saline formations
WS Han, SY Lee, C Lu, BJ McPherson
Water Resources Research 46 (7), 2010
Characteristics of CO2‐driven cold‐water geyser, Crystal Geyser in Utah: experimental observation and mechanism analyses
WS Han, M Lu, BJ McPherson, EH Keating, J Moore, E Park, ZT Watson, ...
Geofluids 13 (3), 283-297, 2013
Evaluation of potential nonisothermal processes and heat transport during CO2 sequestration
WS Han, GA Stillman, M Lu, C Lu, BJ McPherson, E Park
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 115 (B7), 2010
Fault-controlled CO2 leakage from natural reservoirs in the Colorado Plateau, East-Central Utah
NH Jung, WS Han, ZT Watson, JP Graham, KY Kim
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 403, 358-367, 2014
Experimental and numerical study on supercritical CO2/brine transport in a fractured rock: Implications of mass transfer, capillary pressure and storage capacity
J Oh, KY Kim, WS Han, T Kim, JC Kim, E Park
Advances in Water Resources 62, 442-453, 2013
InSAR monitoring of ground deformation due to CO2 injection at an enhanced oil recovery site, West Texas
Q Yang, W Zhao, TH Dixon, F Amelung, WS Han, P Li
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 41, 20-28, 2015
Identifying outliers of non-Gaussian groundwater state data based on ensemble estimation for long-term trends
J Jeong, E Park, WS Han, K Kim, S Choung, IM Chung
Journal of Hydrology 548, 135-144, 2017
CO2-plume geothermal processes: A parametric study of salt precipitation influenced by capillary-driven backflow
AM Norouzi, M Babaei, WS Han, KY Kim, V Niasar
Chemical Engineering Journal 425, 130031, 2021
Estimation of groundwater level based on the robust training of recurrent neural networks using corrupted data
J Jeong, E Park, H Chen, KY Kim, WS Han, H Suk
Journal of Hydrology 582, 124512, 2020
Effects of density and mutual solubility of a CO2–brine system on CO2 storage in geological formations:“Warm” vs.“cold” formations
C Lu, WS Han, SY Lee, BJ McPherson, PC Lichtner
Advances in water Resources 32 (12), 1685-1702, 2009
Eruption dynamics of CO2-driven cold-water geysers: Crystal, Tenmile geysers in Utah and Chimayó geyser in New Mexico
ZT Watson, WS Han, EH Keating, NH Jung, M Lu
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 408, 272-284, 2014
Sensitivity study of simulation parameters controlling CO2 trapping mechanisms in saline formations
WS Han, KY Kim, RP Esser, E Park, BJ McPherson
Transport in porous media 90 (3), 807-829, 2011
Anomalous transport in three‐dimensional discrete fracture networks: Interplay between aperture heterogeneity and injection modes
PK Kang, JD Hyman, WS Han, M Dentz
Water Resources Research 56 (11), e2020WR027378, 2020
Salt precipitation and CO2/brine flow distribution under different injection well completions
E Guyant, WS Han, KY Kim, MH Park, BY Kim
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 37, 299-310, 2015
Modeling of Spatiotemporal Thermal Response to CO2 Injection in Saline Formations: Interpretation for Monitoring
WS Han, KY Kim, E Park, BJ McPherson, SY Lee, MH Park
Transport in porous media 93, 381-399, 2012
A methodology for quantifying risk and likelihood of failure for carbon dioxide injection into deep saline reservoirs
J Wriedt, M Deo, WS Han, J Lepinski
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 20, 196-211, 2014
Optimizing geologic CO2 sequestration by injection in deep saline formations below oil reservoirs
WS Han, BJ McPherson
Energy Conversion and Management 50 (10), 2570-2582, 2009
Density‐Driven Convection in a Fractured Porous Media: Implications for Geological CO2 Storage
M Kim, KY Kim, WS Han, J Oh, E Park
Water Resources Research 55 (7), 5852-5870, 2019
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Articles 1–20